Learn More About App Permissions
Any app that is installed on your device needs to be able to access certain areas or features of your device in order to work properly. App developers have a responsibility to tell you what the app needs access to, and then it is up to the user to decide whether or not to continue to use the app.
Vocal Warmups with Kathleen was created using Node JS and Expo - very reliable and standard platforms. We track subscriptions through a service called RevenueCat, and we host the sound files with a database service called Supabase. When you stream a playlist, it streams it from that database. When you download a playlist to favorites, it places that sound file on your phone for later, without having to connect to the internet. Certain access permissions are needed in order for these exchanges to take place.
In order for the app, Google Play Store/iTunes Store, RevenueCat, and Supabase to "talk" to one another (to ensure valid subscriptions, track favorites, log errors), additional permissions are needed. This is why you are asked to "agree" to these permissions in order to use the app. Warmups With Kathleen will ask permission when you first login to access needed data, files, images. This is to ensure that all of the platforms and services can communicate with one another.
We do not collect, share, or sell sensitive user information. We are committed to safety and transparency.
We also have a readily available privacy policy and end user agreement that you agree to when using the app.
Vocal Warmups with Kathleen was created using Node JS and Expo - very reliable and standard platforms. We track subscriptions through a service called RevenueCat, and we host the sound files with a database service called Supabase. When you stream a playlist, it streams it from that database. When you download a playlist to favorites, it places that sound file on your phone for later, without having to connect to the internet. Certain access permissions are needed in order for these exchanges to take place.
In order for the app, Google Play Store/iTunes Store, RevenueCat, and Supabase to "talk" to one another (to ensure valid subscriptions, track favorites, log errors), additional permissions are needed. This is why you are asked to "agree" to these permissions in order to use the app. Warmups With Kathleen will ask permission when you first login to access needed data, files, images. This is to ensure that all of the platforms and services can communicate with one another.
We do not collect, share, or sell sensitive user information. We are committed to safety and transparency.
We also have a readily available privacy policy and end user agreement that you agree to when using the app.